DASH …It’s Trending!

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

The DASH diet was developed in 1997, and emphasizes eating more fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole grains, fish, poultry, nuts and legumes, while limiting salt, saturated fat, sweets, and red or processed meats.dash mydash.diet


Diastolic blood pressure is the measurement of blood pressure as the heart relaxes. 120/80 is NORMAL, The diastolic number is related to when the heart beat is at rest. There is also a link between increases in diastolic blood pressure and cognitive decline. High diastolic numbers is a sign that your blood vessels have become less elastic, hardened, and scarred. Those words themselves is scary. Isolated diastolic hypertension (IDH), defined as high diastolic blood pressure reads above 80. The first time I read my BP was 140/101 a few days ago was scary. I had never seen such a high “lower” number; the diastolic number. I received a link from a friend to DASH regarding diets to lower BP was so appreciated.

Treatment for diastolic hypertension

  • Same as systoloc BP diet – healthy heart diet
  • lower weight
  • exercise
  • quit smoking – eliminate tobacco (nicotine)
  • reduce alcohol consumption
  • eat healthy – FRESH fruit, vegetables and low fat foods

RECIPE: Avocado Tomato Feta Salad

developed by Emily Richards PH Ec.

Enjoy as a side dish or add some canned tuna or salmon,grilled chicken or steak for a light lunch. Feta is a very low fat cheese.

This salad takes 10minutes to put together. No tomatoes, use red peppers. Add celery, cabbage, etc.

Isolated diastolic hypertension (IDH) is the silent killer. It does not visibly show symptoms.

DASH DIET can be purchased for 38/month for a custom eating plan. You can follow a 28 day challenge [for fun] or make your own plan. Blank templates online. There are many roads to Rome!

True Story 

> by Mary Tupper 💖 My diastolic pressure did creep up as my cholesterol count grew through weight gain as I sat in front of the computer, making other people’s lives better. I was addicted to sugar and had my gallbladder removed as my prize. I have changed my eating habits although I have a weakness for ice cream (100% creamy), chocolate (now eat 70% cocoa), and homemade air fryer “fries” (good compromise). I swim every day now and feel better. I do belong to a fasting group (3 years now) that I combine with DASH. Learning about health through the wonders of the internet and apps – counting my steps as I walk (if I have my phone with me), Apple watches, and so much more. I will get there with help from my friends. I lost another 7 lbs. It wasn’t easy. My next goal is a 10 lb loss. Let me tell you, it took 2 years to lose 18 lbs. The weight was up and down like a yo-yo. But my food choices did change. My body needed to catch up. I am embracing good food choices more and more. If I’m hungry, I may have a pickle. So sour, you are cured of eating 2 chocolate chip cookies. (I always have 2 cookies). I equally like pickles. So, I am not suffering. When asked for advice, I say, “we are all like snowflakes”. We have different likes, different genes. My hypertension may be hereditary. However, my mom (High BP) liked the same foods she grew up with, as her mother (enlarged heart -death) did. Heredity is also in food choices. I am at a point where I have to focus better. Focus on my life. My friends remind me constantly. I am getting the message. When people around you care, it makes it easier. But, it is up to you to listen and hear them. Hear all the good advice that is hitting you like an avalanche. Take care of yourself. Don’t wait another minute. Your life counts. I’m sharing my story with you because I care …about you! My prayers go out to you as encouragement.💖

It’s Better with Butter! ~ Brain Food

The Brain Needs Good Fat

Butter is not the only Saturated FAT / Cholesterol. Red meat, bacon, cheese, dairy, ice cream and coconut oil are high in cholesterol. Carbohydrates (chained sugar) is the bigger enemy.

Is Colesterol bad for your heart? No

New findings in research of heart attach patients were shown to have normal cholesterol levels. HU-M-M-M? According to the first findings in 2014 systematic review and meta-analysis, research doesn’t support a definite link between saturated fat and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. These findings hold true today-2023. However, it is essential to monitor cholesterol (saturated fat) in the blood as high levels can lead to a condition called atherosclerosis. {Note: there are new studies / data that carbohydrates is the major cause of atherosclerosis. However sugar is converted to fat inside your body via liver}. Moderation in eating is a good answer.

Atheromatous Artery: Atherosclerosis is narrowing of an artery (stenosis) due to fatty deposits (yellow) on its inner walls. The deposits are made of atheroma, a substance comprising cholesterol, decaying cells, blood cells and fatty proteins. Prevention foods: garlic, pomegranates, bergamot & green tea.

Two Kinds Of FAT

Our bodies need cholesterol, which is a type of LIPID (another name for fat). Cholesterol is actually part lipid, part protein. This is why the different kinds of cholesterol are called lipoproteins. Lipids function as an energy reserve, regulate hormones, transmit nerve impulses; nervous system, proper digestion; the breakdown and absorption of food. We need fat. Fats found in avocados, seeds and other sources of good fats.

  • LDL: (“bad” cholesterol). [Low-Density Lipoprotein]. Red meat (ribs,bacon}, processed food (hot dogs, sausages), and bakery items (sugary cookies, cakes) are notorious for raising levels of LDL cholesterol, the sticky kind that builds up in artery walls.
  • HDL: (“good” cholesterol). [High-Density Lipoprotein]. Foods to Increase your HDL (Good Cholesterol) are avocados, fish, red wine, olive oil, flaxseed, green tea, beans & legumes (lentils).
  • Food Type: Coconut oil (saturated fat) : tested to improve Alzheimer patients. The MCT [Medium-chain triglycerides] in coconut oil aides in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Triglycerides are lipids (not soluble in water). (This prevention is debatable regarding slowing down or prevention of Alzheimers. Two schools of thought.) Remember “Bullet Proof” coffee. The oil added was MCT oil? I usually add MCT oil to my morning coffee.
  • Food Type: Oatmeal is a soluble fiber, which reduces your LDL. Other foods such as white kidney beans, brussel sprouts, apples and pears lower LDL.

Fat is not the enemy ~ Brain is 70% Fat

Good Cholesterol level: A result of under 200 mg per dL (5.2 mmol/L) is desirable. Note: Levels are calculated in milligrams of cholesterol for each deciliter of blood. Monitoring your cholesterol helps you to understand where to cut down. (Ask you doctor to perform this blood test.) Butter is not the main culprit. Get the facts so you can eat butter without guilt.

BUTTER Fans Unite

Cardiac Care

BUTTER is mostly saturated fat. Many people including myself enjoy the taste of butter. Remember Julia Child and French chefs, who proclaimed, “It’s better with butter”. I don’t know who said it first. But, I agree. “most everything is better with butter.”

Solution: Blend a stick of butter with an equal amount of olive oil; a “better butter”; half and half; mono-unsaturated and saturated fat combo. This butter blend spreads like margarine – spreadable straight out of the fridge, so it won’t tear up your toast. A good balance!

BUTTER is more energy dense than cream cheese! Mix it with a good olive oil and you have a masterpiece. My favorite olive oil has a grassy note to it. I love it! 💗 Taste some oils and visit an olive tree farm. You will forever enjoy olive oil better. I took two olive oil courses and have gone to a few tastings. I mainly use GREEK OLIVE OIL. Some oils for cooking and others for adding to focaccia bread or salads. Find your best olive oil.

Olive Oil is Good For you!

I must have my favorite olive oils. Look for Bragg or the delightful Kosterina olive oil if you want an olive oil with grassy notes. If you visit Greece, bring home olive oil, or ship it home!

Kosterina Original Extra Virgin Olive Oil is made with the Greek Koroneiki variety of olives, which gives it a strong grassy flavor, pear-like hints, and signature peppery after taste. The liquid itself is golden yellow, deeply delicious, and sold in small batches. Greek olive oil is my favorite.

Find your Favorite Olive Oil

This fellow has the right idea —> https://www.oliverandgrapely.com/every-olive-oil-tasting-wheel-aroma-flavor-defect/

BUTTER NEWS: It was pointed out to me today that butter has three kinds of fat. And, It was also told that to reduce blood pressure and hardening of the arteries the best method is to reduce fructose, cane sugar and carbohydrates. Artificial sugar increases insulin in the same manner as cane sugar – according to research studies. Carbs are chained sugars.[ Vitamin K2. A form of vitamin K, this vitamin — also called menaquinone — in butter – may protect against heart disease and osteoporosis.] Vitamin A, D, E, B12 also reside in butter.

Butter Fat: 11.52 grams

  • Saturated: 7.29 grams
  • Monounsaturated: 2.99 grams
  • Polyunsaturated: 0.43 grams
  • Trans: 0.47 grams

Good bacteria in your body protects you from various allergies and dis-eases. This good bacteria comes from green, orange, purple, red and yellow vegetables. Or combination of colors. It is the best for you. Just remember the brighter the color the better for you! Sautée your “good” bacteria veggies in the butter/oil combo, or simply butter – oven grill or eat raw.

KOMBUCHA ~ The Elixer of Life!

Kraut, Kimchi ..Kombucha!

Kombucha is a fermented drink like beer and wine. Very low alcohol (under 10%). Kombucha is called a tea, made from (1) Yeast, (2) Sugar, and (3) Black tea. Renew your interest in this fermented tea to improve your health. Make a difference in your life. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Start now. [ Note: The sugar is fermented out via scoby / yeast culture. ]


Ginger Kombucha

First STEP: Grow kombucha scoby ⬅️ link

Kambucha Recipe

  • Servings: 1 gallon-16 serv.
  • Difficulty: medium-easy
  • Print

1 Scoby purchased or grow komucha scoby from a bottle
1 Cup sugar (sugar needed to feed the fermentation)
5 Organic black tea bags (or 1 tablespoon loose tea)(can use green tea, but not the first batch)
1 Gallon Jar to store kombucha
2 Fresh Ginger (3-inch pieces) Vary to taste.
Glass bottles for storage
2 Cups brewed Kombucha

DIRECTIONS how to make kombucha recipe 1 gallon

1. Everything must be sanitized. I cannot stress this enough. When dealing with fermenting anything it is crucial every piece is clean and sanitized. Wash your hands and all equipment used before you begin. I like to run everything through my dishwasher before I make and bottle. My husband and I brew our own beer and make our own wine. So we are very familiar with making sure everything is super clean and sanitized.
2. Measure out 3.5 quarts of water and place in a pot on the stove. Heat the water until boiling. Some people insist on using distilled water. Boiling filtered water from our fridge has worked perfect for me, and I have been making this for nearly a year.
3. Turn off the heat and add 1 cup of sugar. Stir the sugar until it is completely dissolved. Then add 5 organic black tea bags. This is the brand I use and for the first fermentation from your homemade scoby you should use black tea for a strong brew. Cover the pot so not much water escapes. After you have brewed the kombucha you can then use a combination of black and green tea. But you should have at least a 3 black tea and 2 green for later brews
4. Wait for the tea to cool. It must cool to room temperature before adding the scoby. If not you risk damaging your precious scoby you grew from scratch. Once it is completely cooled, pour the tea into the clean 1 gallon jar and add 2 cups of your previous brew. Then add the homemade scoby to the top.
5. Store in the 1 gallon glass jar with a cloth (cheese cloth-doubled) covered lid with a rubber band. This allows the kombucha to breathe without getting any additional bacteria or fruit flies in your brew. Store in a dark closet that remains cool through out the day and someplace no one will touch it. It needs to remain still to grow the scoby and create the bubbles.
6. Allow to brew for at least 7 days. It may take 10-12 days, depending on the temperature in your home. During the winter months, I allow a little longer brew. Right now 8 days is the perfect time for the flavor and creating the carbonation.

IMPORTANT: The bacteria in kombucha is considered a probiotic. But, if not prepared properly harmful bacteria or mold grows on your scoby Green or gray spots is a sign of mold. Another sign of mold when your scoby is dull and fuzzy looking. NOT glossy. Discard the scoby and start over. TIP: Use cane sugar or white, not honey, stevia, raw or coconut sugar. When shopping for kombucha, it may be best to choose brands that contain under 4 grams (1 teaspoon) of added sugar per serving. TREND: Add turmeric & black pepper Ratio: 100/1. How much? 1 tsp. of turmeric per gal. + a pinch of black pepper. You should not be able to taste the turmeric.

Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY) is a culinary symbiotic fermentation culture (starter) consisting of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), acetic acid bacteria (AAB), and yeast. .. provided by Wikipedia.com.

Put a jug in your fridge: Gallon dispensers (5.5 cups) with a spout. (as seen in IKEA.com, Canada)

It Tastes Like Vinegar!

Not true ~ Kombucha is delightfully tart and fizzy. Ginger adds a warm and spicy punch!

Kombucha can be made into vinegar – fermentation period –>6-10 weeks. Use in salad dressings! Other uses: mayonnaise (add 2 tbsp to your mayo recipe). Hair Tonic, Facial Toner, House Cleaner and Healthy Gummies <–recipe.

Criminal Minds At Work!

Mandy Patinkin (actor – Criminal Minds +plus) is a proud advocate of kombucha [kämˈbo͞ochə]!…or Kambuka?
Anyway you say it ~ it ‘s all good!

Kvass – Similar to Kombucha


When life gives you stale rye bread, it’s time to make bread kvass!

Kvass is an ancient fermented cereal-based, low alcoholic drink. Kvass is known to reduce the risk of cancer. When it comes to taste, kvass is similar to kombucha. Kvass is a rich source of manganese, vitamin B12, selenium, niacin, iron, copper, and magnesium.

Making Kombucha. This is my favorite video.
He said it best!

New Year’s Resolution : “GOOD HEALTH!”

Make Kombucha ..drink ..daily.. like water! See the change and let me know about it. You will be helping .. yourself .. and a lot of other people! Spread the news. 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻 👍🏽 🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻

Sweet 😊 Glycemic Index

What Do You Know About GLYCEMIC INDEX?

The GLYCEMIC INDEX (GI) is a number from 0 to 100 assigned to a food, with pure glucose (a simple sugar) arbitrarily given the value of 100. Glycemic Index ranks carbohydrate-containing foods by how quickly they digest and raise your blood sugar or glucose levels.

Women eating the highest glycemic load diets were much more likely on average to develop type 2 diabetes or heart disease compared to women of the same age with the lowest glycemic load diets ? provided by the large-scale Nurses’ Health Study

30 Day Challenge!

CHALLENGE DETAILS : Take a picture of yourself today, in the next 20 minutes. Apply a 2 week health regime. Whatever you want: a 10 day cleanse combined with another form of healthy eating. But, follow the GI Plan. Then, take a picture ath the end of the first 2 weeks wearing the same clothes print them both out. Place the pictures on the fridge or where you can see them every day. A good start! Now, in another 2 week later (totaling 4 weeks) take another picture wearing the exact same clothes We have ended 30 day challenge. What does you picture look like now after a total of 30 days. and when you started. If you have been honest with yourself, the results should amaze you and it will motivate you for continued progress. Let’s say you are watching what you eat & doing exercise routine; swimming and walking ti the store -id you can and some exercise plan you enjoy. Pilates is good? After 6 weeks -you will have developed what is called a new “HABIT”. Your new lifestyle has become a habit. Tell me if I am right! Whatever was missing in your life ~ make it happen! Fill your cup to the brim. I’m on your side. In weak moments send me a comment in this posting. I will respond. I am here to help. [Even as a shoulder to lean on].

Individuals who are pre-diabetic typically have fasting glucose levels (before a meal) that are nearly normal or only slightly elevated (usually < 100mg/dL).

DOWNLOAD CHART: Click “Glycemic -Index Images“below

High GI = 70+ .. try to avoid these
Medium GI = 55-69 .. use caution
Low GI = 0-54 .. your target zone.
Remember, this doesn’t mean these are necessarily “good for you foods”. They’re just a representation of their GI score ~ provided by glycemicedge.com.

Carbs Don’t Make You Fat – High GI DOES!

Adults: 2 cups of fruit every day ~ lowers risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer~


Spice Jars~Holiday Gifts


How about giving you friends and family a spice jar this holiday season?
  I had a few people over for dinner the other night and they were raving about the shredded Mexican chicken I had prepared. I surprised them all when I gave each one a jar of ‘holiday’ spices. When I fill my spice gift jars, I add enough spice for two meals.
This dry mix of spices will add a unique zing to any chicken dish. Most of these spices you will have in your own cupboard. Try the suggested chili powders for this mix. My spice blend has just the right amount of heat and flavor to make all your guests ask for the ‘secret’ recipe.  In fact you can give them a jar of spices as a gift this holiday season! If you are able to prepare your own fresh ground cumin adds a great dimension to the dish. Fresh is always more fragrant and the taste is sensational. Do you want great flavor without adding a lot of heat? This would be a good mix. THE REAL GIFT IS THE RECIPE!

Combine the spices in the Mexican Chicken recipe and package.  This is the perfect hostess or other gift to give along with the printed recipe!

Combine the spices in the Mexican Chicken recipe and package. This is the perfect hostess or other gift to give along with the printed recipe!

2 teaspoons ground cumin (grind you own in a mortar and pestle )
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon powdered red chili ~ i.e. Ancho, chile de arbol, New Mexican Chile.
Dash of Cayenne pepper ~ or ~  to taste
1 teaspoon salt  ( use Kosher,  sea salt or Himalayan pink salt )
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper


Mexican Shredded Chicken ( recipe inside ), Chocolate Chili Truffles ( in box )

I like giving my friends and neighbors little treats this time of year, spreading happiness and good wishes.
didyouknow2DID YOU KNOW? Spices not only  excite your taste buds but are composed of an impressive list of phyto-nutrients, essential oils, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for overall wellness. Spices have been part part of our food ever since the spice trade began and when salt was a form of currency. Today we value healing spices even more. Thanks to the Arab and European explorers, whose contributions in spreading them from their place of origin to the rest of the planet has immensely broaden their use and popularity all over the world!


Mortar & Pestle, Garlic Powder, Cumin, Cayenne, Salt, Pepper &  Ancho Chili Powder