Magic Spice Trio

Warm Spices 🧊 Cold and Flu Tonic 🤧

+++ Many Other Mega Boosters

Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon (T.G.C)


I always add cinnamon in my coffee -long before it became trending. Years later, Starbucks added vanilla shakers with honey and other spices for your coffee or tea.

I can add this trio of spices to my morning coffee with my usual teaspoon of collagen. Hum-m-m? 🤔
It’s a new day—>

Three’s The Charm ‘powerful medicinal spices’

This is the ratio. I would start here. If you like, make larger batches in the same ratio. I have a sprinkle jar to help blend it and I don’t need a spoon or scoop and no lumps. So many people are selling this with complex ingredients using words like capsicum and gingerol. This is the basic recipe.

1 teaspoonGround Turmeric
1 teaspoonGround Cinnamon
½ teaspoonBlack Pepper (ground)
½ teaspoonGround Ginger
6 cupsYour Favorite Coffee (brewed coffee, latte, cappuccino, espresso etc)
1. Mix turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper and ginger in a bowl and store in an airtight glass container.
2. Add 1/2 tsp of this mixture to your ready coffee and mix well and serve.

Dr Steven Gundry M.D. suggests adding (MTC) coconut oil – few drops in your coffee. Remember Bullet Coffee? That is what MCT is about. Gundry also states that cow’s milk, almond and cashew milk negates the effect of MCT in your coffee. Coconut oil or coconut milk is acceptable.

[1a] ALL ABOUT Turmeric

NOTE: Dr. Gundry MD. supports no milk,almond or any other milk in coffee. It kills pr negates the MCT in your coffee. Dr Axe also, says it best–> MCT

Turmeric is part of the Ginger Family, and an important ingredient for curry dishes. The powerful health component in turmeric is called curcumin. More scientific studies are establishing the benefits of turmeric.

Turmeric Fights 🥊

Turmeric is rich in phytonutrients that may protect the body by neutralizing free radicals (pollution, sunlight) and shielding the cells from damage, inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and other joint disorders, colitis, allergies and infections.Turmeric’s effect on mood disorders, depression and dementia have also been explored. Currently, these studies are small. Some research results show that people who have osteoarthritis reported less joint pain when eating turmeric in recipes. Turmeric is used as a natural coloring agent for mustard.

[1b] Pepper [HELPS with turmeric]

A good marriage is combining turmeric with black pepper –> Pepper is documented to help increase your body’s ability to absorb turmeric’s beneficial compounds. Approximately ¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper can be taken with 1 tsp turmeric powder. Pepper helps turmeric to do its job.

Peppercorn is an aromatic fruit picked from pepper vines. Peppercorns exhibit anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and anti-bacterial properties. They can also be used to aid digestion, lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels and reduce weight.

[2] All About Cinnamon

Cinnamon is deemed as the highest antioxident spice (or herb). The leaves on this tree smell spicy. One of the most beneficial spices on earth. Cinnamon health benefits come from its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, immune-boosting, heart-protecting and cancer-fighting properties. But, easy to make at home. Watch:  cinnamon. I reduced the scientific terms to a layman’s approach.

Here’s how it works

Controls insulin levels (which means less calories stored as fat)

Helps to burn belly fat (cinnamon is said to impact abdominal fat more than fat found in other parts of your body)

Speeds metabolism (so you burn more even at rest)

Suppresses appetite (so you stay full longer)

The honey and cinnamon face packs is known throughout the world. Egg whites face mask encourages the production of collagen on your skin. You can mix it in your facial or alone. Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon produces high quality cinnamon. It has more oil than cassia cinnamon (found in the rest of the world). 50–63% of the oil (from Sri Lanka’s cinnamon) is called cinnamaldehyde, which explains its mild flavor but very tasty.

[3] All About Ginger

This woman in Hawaii is holding mild, perishable, PinkBaby Ginger(only sold locally). If you can buy it, store in the freezer. Grate frozen rhizome into recipes and put right back into the freezer. Store your regular ginger in the freezer too; lasts longer.
Powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant based on research. Ginger, cinnamon and sesame oil together has a stronger effect for joint pain. Picture: ginger grown in Hawaii.

Ginger contains gingerol. Maybe that’s how Ginger Ale got its name.

Ginger is a popular brain food. There’s also some evidence that ginger can help enhance brain function directly. And, as in Alzheimer’s prevention, Tests show weight lose is supported by Ginger. Also, Osteoarthritis (OA) is curtailed to a certain extent.
There’s also some evidence that ginger can help enhance brain function directly. In a 2012 study of healthy middle-aged women, daily doses of ginger extract were shown to improve reaction time and working memory.

Feed the brain with Collagen and MCT (coconut) oil. And, Spice up your life with TGC !! 💖

Buy As A Supplement In Teabag Portions

Make it your daily spice mixture of turmeric, ginger and cinnamon (T.G.C.) Made up of two roots and the (inner) bark of a tree. Supplements you can shake from your own dispenser. Be adventurous. I am baking Oatmeal cookies today. I will add some triple goodness for “Spicy Oatmeal Cookies”!

A friend pointed out –>

One tablespoon of cinnamon contains 68% manganese and 8% calcium and 4% iron. Manganese is a trace mineral. It is vital for the human body, but people only need it in small amounts. The body can not make manganese. Manganese may help promote strong, dense bones when combined with other nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D.

32 thoughts on “Magic Spice Trio

    • Simply Splendid Food says:

      Yes, a Portuguese friend told me when my face broke out in spots (after 50). You add the honey for stickiness and honey has good properties in it. “Old wives tale”. My skin has cleared up. I sometimes use an avocado mask – the inside skin of the avocado I apply it to my face “green power” ..anytime I eat an avocado (at home). Basically you need to pump up your immune system through food and exercise.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Simply Splendid Food says:

        Interesting. You should use it now before the face reacts. I had my infection for over a year. I was in an experimental test group. My face has 10-12 red spots in a 2 inch square plus broken capillaries. I tried everything under the sun short of a face peel which I was considering. Eat yogurt too. Everything comes from the inside .. out. You may even have a reaction from foods or creams. Many possibilities.

        Liked by 1 person

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