Fasting: Is Fasting Good For You?

Energy 🔥 Feed Your Brain

FASTING – The Body Repairs.

After holiday feasting..try fasting! I found out that some of my friends knew so little about fasting, it was time to explain it in layman’s terms. What it really means to you and your body.

Fasting really starts after approximately 18 hours when your body begins the ketosis process. Then, fasting forces the brain to feed on body fats. This is called AUTOPHAGY: SELF or auto EATING phagy. Long fasts is proven as an optimal way of healing the body. Autophagy phase lasts longer* the longer you fast. You get energized during your fast and a bit of euphoria kicks in after some time. Your body and brain begin to feel good. Things smell better. Your kidneys and organs are working better. People who get sick, tired and nauseous during a fast sometimes shows that the body was really polluted BEFORE the fast began. (some exceptional cases of course). They should look closer to their diet and not blame the fast for their malcontent. Before a fast, the individual should go into it with a smart attitude and preparation. Preparation is choosing good foods, stop snaking and be mindful of what you are putting in your mouth. Preparing yourself mentally is most important.

Nobel Prize Winner ~ 2016 ~ Regarding Autophagy

Yoshinori Ohsumi is a Japanese cell biologist specializing in autophagy, the process that cells use to destroy and recycle cellular components. published by wikipedia

Yoshinori Ohsumi’s Nobel Prize was specifically for Mechanisms of Autophagy: From Basic Yeast Biology to Therapeutic Potential. Autophagy has been researched and penned since about 1963 as advancements were being developed from time to time. People were learning more and more about it.

Fasting ~ A Clean Burn 🔥

The fat burn begins as Ketosis sets in. [Stage one]. Ketosis may start in 18 hours or 2 days. It depends on how much you weigh and you metabolism. How do you know when you are in ketosis? You need to perform a litmus test to determine if you are in ketosis. These stick tests are sold online and at Wallmart. Ketosis burns fat in your body like a clean, gas flame. Short 12-18 hour fasts may not prove as efficient as a 24 -to -36 hour fast session. When we are ingesting carbs (bread, pasta) and sugar (danish pastry) and fats (rib eye steak) , the body uses the incoming fuel, primarily the brain burns glucose. The body burns glucose like an old coal stack emitting black smoke. Think of black, cloudy smoke in your body. Your brain is not happy. It does not like this contamination to the brain. FASTING: Now that our body is starving, the liver releases its stored glycogen into glucose to feed the brain. The brain is still hungry. The brain starts to eat ketones found in your stored fatty tissues as a fuel instead of the usual ‘incoming’ glucose. Exercise also burns both glucose and ketones. Remember, the ape man never ate sugar. He survived well. Sugar kills.

Autophagy – Build A Smarter Brain

YOU REALLY want to get into this phase.

Autophagy is the second stage in fasting. Its prime function is to break down old inefficient cells and build new, beautiful cells. Autophagy can help the immune system by cleaning up toxins and infectious agents. The main function of autophagy is to help maintain normal functioning (homeostasis) in the cells. Your body begins to create new health cells and build stem cells. And, at the same time, old, damaged cells are being eliminated from the body.


AUTOPHAGY Process During A FAST << Left ~ ~ Right >> ORGANELLE cell

FASTING Builds New Cells

Aging and cell death are synonymous. Broken cells are removed from the body. New organelles (mitochondria) are created by the body’s natural process as damaged organelles are disposed. Fasting allows the construction of new cells. Fasting builds good cells throughout your body at the same time as it eliminate broken cells. You may even start looking younger*! As you fast away your belly fat, you will not get saggy skin. No surgery to remove flappy skin for fasting patients that have lost a lot of weight; according to Dr. Jason Fung, M.D. Canadian nephrologist. Fasting carries those dead skin cells away. Losing weight without fasting can give you saggy arms (aka: saggy skin). I have slight bat wings. But no saggy, floppy skin. or anywhere else. You will see the neck tighten as the skin recedes as a result of fasting!

You will always feed your brain with incoming food (glucose). Bad food like processed food is toxic and contaminated. We need to remind ourselves from time to time. However, we do not always act on our best decisions. Ice cream ~ for instance. I can not bypass this luxury. Or – butter. But, we can balance our lives. We can stop a lot of processed foods. I have no problem with that. I slip from time to time. Don’t punish yourself. You just get back up! One day, I may not even see ice cream I may forget all about it. TOO Sweet! Yuck!

Fasting For Cancer Patients

Doctors are talking about prescribing a 3 day fast before starting chemo or radiation treatment. It’s in trials. And, dare I say will be mandatory at some point. This will happen sooner then you think. It will hinge on positive outcomes.

What is ketosis?

Ketosis is the accumulation of ketone bodies or ketones in the blood. Ketosis occurs in healthy people during fasting and during strenuous exercise. In excess, blood ketones can produce a toxic level of acid in the blood, referred to as ketoacidosis.

NOTE: A currently popular diet known as the ketogenic diet, in which 75% of the daily calories come from fat, is believed to induce ketosis and autophagy. There are insufficient studies on the long-term effects of the ketogenic diet.

Russel Wilder

Russel Wilder first used the ketogenic diet to treat epilepsy in 1921. He also coined the term “ketogenic diet.” For almost a decade, the ketogenic diet enjoyed a place in the medical world as a therapeutic diet for pediatric epilepsy and was widely used until its popularity ceased with the introduction of antiepileptic agents. The resurgence of the ketogenic diet as a rapid weight loss formula is a relatively new concept the has shown to be quite effective, at least in the short run. published by

My understanding is how influential food is to support medical treatment. Even better, as a prevention before anything alarming happens.

* In general: a lot of fructose(sugar) consumption ages you. Eat in moderation.

  • Mitophagy is a subset of autophagy.
  • is the dispersement and building of Mitochondria mitochondria and the building of new mitrochondria found in the organelles cell.
  • ondria.


14 thoughts on “Fasting: Is Fasting Good For You?

  1. Seoul Sister says:

    Wonderful and timely post! I’ve been looking into yhe benefits of fasting, tried a few times to try intermittent fasting every other day (didn’t succeed :)! but I will keep trying! I used to fast easily when I was younger :)!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Simply Splendid Food says:

      It helps when you know the food effects. Yogurt is a good recovery food. Do have soup. Make bone soup. Home made is best. No strong flavors. Onions may react badly. Mild foods gets you off the fast with good results. Before fasting no sugar. Bread has sugar. Sugar is a trigger. You hunger for it. If you get hungry drink water. I add pomegranate juice – one ounce with my water. wait 15 minutes, the hunger is gone. Now you have conquered that craving!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Seoul Sister says:

        Thank you for these tips and information. I definitely crave sweet liquids and carbs, no wonder it’s a trigger. I heard that a little salt with water helps during fasting too. I’m going to try eating mostly cabbage and seafood/eggs and cutting out carbs/sugar first and then add intermittent fasting (as I hopefully progress). When I tried intermittent fasting every other day, I tended to eat more on the food allowance days!


      • Simply Splendid Food says:

        The “eating days” can be daunting. It may bombard your fasting days and destroy your progress. Don’t get destructive. You need to rewire your brain. Try spinach soup with quinoa. Spinach has tons of magnesium. Mix it up. I’m fasting right now. Had hunger ‘alerts’ drank 3 glasses of water. Not 100% gone. Going swimming. Doing something really diverts your attention. The hunger goes away!!! I freeze banana bread in thin slices and pop in the toaster on eating days as a toasty treat. Start thinking of your eating days with new ideas. 💜

        Liked by 1 person

      • Seoul Sister says:

        Great tips, I like spinach and soup sounds good (it’s very cold where I am today). I used to be able to fast all day and eat only dinner when I was younger (to lose weight). I will try to keep busy, but I deliver food 🙂 it’s so tempting! Good luck on your fast.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Simply Splendid Food says:

        Download LIFE, unless you already have it? L”IF” E. I gives you a circle timing your fast and when Ketosis starts, and autophagy begins. These milestones are and average. It gives you a guide. Herbs are very good to add to all meals. I add parsley to my morning eggs. You can communicate with other members.Let me know if you need help in location this app. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • Seoul Sister says:

        Thank you, I hadn’t heard of this app, it sounds very helpful. I have been overeating, I really need to lose weight and fast/detox. I’ve been trying to eat mostly cabbage, eggs, sardines but my love of rice always makes me stumble. ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

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